Industry Insights

A Message on the Electrical Trades by Reuben Ernst, Electrical Apprentice at The Electricians

May 16, 2018

“I wanted to get into the electrical trade because there are plenty of opportunities. I have an interest in green technology and energy efficiency, and one day would like to specialize in smart technologies”

To become a tradesperson, you need passion. Although earning while you learn is great, it wasn’t the biggest motivator for me. The motivator was the opportunities available. Getting certified in a red seal trade opens a lot of doors. My apprenticeship has been great! I get to ask questions and receive support whenever I need it. Going through stages of learning helps take the pressure away as you get more knowledge.

A Message on the Electrical Trades by Reuben Ernst,  Electrical Apprentice at The Electricians

Related Topics: Apprenticeship Construction Electrical Support Ontario Youth

This Employment Ontario Program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
